Pionus maximiliani
Length 11 inches
Weight 225 - 275 grams
Life span 30 - 40 years
Incubation 26 days
Age at weaning 10 - 12 weeks
Age at maturity 3 years
Country of origin Brazil through Bolivia and Paraguay to northern Argentina
Natural habitat Light forest and open woodland; may be found in pairs or small flocks
Description Green head feathers edged with blue; blue-violet throat band; forehead and lores dark gray:, red undertail coverts; scaly head, white eye ring, eyes brown
Temperament The Maximilian's Pionus seems to have one of the nicest pet bird personalities. According to one breeder, "if ever there were a perfect pet parrot, the Pionus species certainly comes close to it." They are wonderful for first-time pet parrot owners, or those who want to graduate to a larger bird. Pionus are ideal family birds, since they may be handed by several people and maintain their sweet disposition. They are not noisy birds and do not chew excessively, making them appropriate for apartment dwellers or those concerned about noise.
Talking ability Moderate to good
Noise level Low
Cage requirements: 24" x 24" with 3/4" bar spacing
Interesting facts In the wild, several Pionus species come from high-altitude forests that are low in airborne mold. Many of these Pionus were plagued with the fungus Aspergilus when the birds were first imported. The plum-crowned Pionus was especially sensitive to aspergillosis when imported in the early 1980's, and this is considered the main reason for the demise of this species in captivity.