Melopsitticus undulatus
Length 7 inches
Weight 28-30 grams
Lifespan 10-15 years
Incubation: 18 days
Age at weaning 7-8 weeks
Age at maturity 6-8 months
Country of origin Australia
Natural habitat: Light forest and grasslands
Descriptian The normal wild budgie is green with a yellow face and wavy black lines on the head, back and wings; several color varieties are available; ceres of all young birds are pinkish in calor, but adult males have a blue cere whiie females' are brown or beige.
Temperament Most budgies are playful, lively, and entertaining. They make excellent pets for first time bird owners and children. Although they can be quite sociable little birds, most do not enjoy excessive petting or cuddling. Hand-fed babies are especially tame and personable. Males can be excelent talkers. Some females may be able to talk as well and are generally more nippy than males, which tend to be fiendlier and more mellow.
Talking ability: Males, excellent, Females, poor
Noise levet: Low
Cage requirements: 18" x 18" inches with 1/2" bar spacing
Interesting facts: The Guinness Book of World Records states that in 1958 a budgie named Sparkie Williams won a talking contest in England. Before Sparkie died, he could say 531 words and 383 sentences. Many anecdotes such as this are writen regarding the remarkable ability of the Budgie as a talker and great pet. Everyone should be so fortunate as to own a Budgie.